Rhinos - Year 6
Welcome to Rhino Class :) Mrs Rashid & Mrs Gregg
Spring Term 1
This page will give you an outline of all the topics we will be studying this half-term. I have planned lots of fun and engaging lessons this half-term and all I ask is that you work hard and get stuck in! Parents - If you have any questions/queries about anything, then please email me on rhinos@parkgate.cheshire.sch.uk
SPAG and maths homework will be printed off and given out every Wednesday and is expected to be completed by the following week - preferably before the Wednesday, so that it can be marked and feedback can be given. Spellings will continue to be set on Google Classroom.
This half-term, we will be focusing on:
- Ratio
- Algebra
- Fraction, Decimals and Percentages
- Perimeter, Area and Volume
- Statistics
PE will be taught by Mr Hall and Mr Kelly every Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Please ensure reading books are brought into school every day so that children can be listened to and work on their reading targets throughout the school week.
This half-term we will be studying a book called 'Shakleton's Journey' by William Grill.
Focus Objectives:
- Recognise vocabulary and structures for formal speech and writing, including subjunctive forms
- Use passive verbs
- Use semicolons to mark boundaries between independent clauses
- Select the appropriate style to engage the audience
- Engage the reader through use of detail, description, feelings and opinions
- Use a wide range of cohesive devices, e.g. conjunctions, synonyms, adverbials, punctuation
- Use verb tenses consistently and correctly.
Vocabulary Development:
- abundant
- endurance
- gallant
- hostile
- isolation
- mercy
- morale
- perilous
- pressure
- remorseless
- bow
- civilisation
- crevasse
- floe
- growlers
- hummocks
- navigation
- polar
- vessel
Geography: Mountains
Geography Skills |
Essential Knowledge |
Locational Knowledge |
I can identify the names and locations of key mountain ranges around the world I can identify the names and locations of mountain ranges in the UK |
Place Knowledge |
I can explain the significance of mountains, in particular Mount Everest. |
Human and Physical Geography |
I can describe key features of a mountain range I can explain how different types of mountains are formed I can describe and compare mountainous climates I can describe how tourism affects mountain regions |
Key Vocabulary |
tourism |
positive |
negative |
economic |
social |
environmental |
Mountain range |
height |
peak |
slopes |
altitude |
contour |
valley |
foot |
summit |
Snow line |
Tree line |
outcrop |
face |
ridge |
Plateau |
Fold mountain |
Fault-block mountain |
Dome mountain |
Volcanic mountain |
Plateau Mountains |
climate |
forecast |
average |
Science: Evolution and Inheritance
Working Scientifically |
Essential Knowledge |
Plan different types of scientific enquiries to answer questions, including recognising and controlling variables where necessary. |
Recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago. |
Take measurements, using a range of scientific equipment, with increasing accuracy and precision, taking repeated readings when appropriate |
Recognise that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but normally offspring vary and are not identical to their parents. |
Identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution |
Key Vocabulary |
Adaptation |
Environment |
Evolution |
Gene |
Inheritance |
Natural selection |
Organism |