Lemurs - Year 3
Autumn Term 2
This page will give you an outline of the topics we will be learning about this half term.
Guided Reading
In guided reading, we will be reading the book ‘One Christmas Wish’.
We will answer questions around the key reading areas: vocabulary, inference, prediction, explain, retrieval, summary.
English this half term will be text led, focusing on the book ‘Winter’s Child’.
Throughout this unit, all children will:
- Use adverbs to express time, place and cause.
- Use past and present tense appropriately and consistently throughout writing.
- Creating setting, characters and plot in narrative writing including consistent use of first or third person.
Our maths focus this half term is multiplication and division. Throughout this unit, the children will:
- Understand and create equal groups.
- Use arrays.
- Count in multiples of 2, 5 and 10.
- Multiply and divide numbers by 3
- Learn the 3 times-table
- Multiply and divide numbers by 4
- Learn the 4 times-table
- Multiply and divide numbers by 8
- Learn the 8 times-table
In science we will be learning about light. Throughout this unit, the children will:
- Identify light sources.
- Recognise that light is reflected from surfaces.
- Recognise that light from the sun is dangerous and that there are ways to protect your eyes and skin from the sun.
- Recognise that shadows are formed when the light from a light source is blocked by an object.
- Find patterns in the way that the length of shadows change.
In geography, we will be learning about the United Kingdom. Throughout this topic, the children will:
- Identify and name the four countries of the UK and the regions of England.
- Identify the settlements of the UK and the counties of England.
- Identify the human features of the UK.
- Identify the physical features of the UK.
- Use four-figure grid references to read a map.
- Identify the key topographical features of the UK
In DT, we will be creating an electrical system. We will be exploring, designing and making our own lighthouse.
In RE, our Big Question is ‘How do Jewish people demonstrate their faith through their communities?’
In PSHE we will be learning about ‘Discrimination’ through the books ‘Oliver’ and ‘This is our house’.
In Computing, we will be focusing on Networks. This will include recognising what a network is, how files are moved, how websites work and learning about the role of a router.
In music we will be learning about ‘Jazz’. This will include singing and clapping to a rhythm, improvising a call and response, sing using the call and response format, create a jazz motif and adapt a familiar tune using jazz instruments.
PE will take place on Tuesdays and Wednesday with Mr Hall and Mr Kelly. Please ensure your child comes in to school in their full PE kits on these days.
Homework will be sent home on a Wednesday and needs to be returned the following Tuesday. This will include:
-Spellings on Google Classroom (to be tested on a Wednesday).
-An English or reading activity on Google Classroom.
-A maths activity set on MyMaths.
Reading books:
The children will be given a levelled book and this can be changed when the children have read it. It is important to re-read the book once you have finished as it will help you to build on your reading skills. Please ensure reading books are brought into school every day so that children can be listened to and work on their reading targets throughout the school week.
If you have any questions/queries, please email me on lemurs@parkgate.cheshire.sch.uk
Many thanks,
Miss Morris